RON eClosings are superior to traditional physical closings in nearly every aspect. RON eClosings empower buyers, borrowers, and sellers to close easily, safely, and securely from any location in the world – most importantly- in the comfort of your own home or office. No cross-town traffic jams, no trying to leave work early to sign documents, no arranging babysitters – and no trying to close around your moving schedule.
How Does It Work?
Remote Online Notarizations work in much the same way as a live signing.
Close Anytime – Anywhere
Close on Your Desktop, Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone
Safe, Simple & Secure
Saves You Time
All Online with No Software to Download
What Are The Different Types Of eClosings?

Procedural documents and disclosures are electronically signed.
Wet ink signature on deed/mortgage and promissory note.
In-person notary.
Closing takes place in front of the notary.
Traditional ID verification

All documents are electronic.
Signed on laptop or tablet.
E-notary or webcam notary.
Closing takes place in front of the notary.
Digital ID verification

eClosing utilizing Remote Online Notarization.
Signed on laptop or tablet.
E-notary or webcam notary.
Notary is remote and at a different location.
Traditional ID verification
Difference Between an eClosing & an eClosing Using RON
eClosings typically refer to the electronic signing of lender documents prior to or as part of the closing process. However, the documents which require Notarization, up until recently, have needed to be executed in the physical presence of a Notary. Remote Online Notarization is an additional electronic process that enables a person to execute their entire closing package electronically.
How Can I Close Using RON?
- Contact us – we are ready to perform your eClosing using RON
- We can assist you in determining if you and your lender can avail yourself of an eClosing and an eClosing using RON
- We will coordinate with your lender if your lender allows a RON closing.
Participate in Your Clients’ Closings
Realtors can now participate in their clients’ closings, which means you can be there for your client – anywhere!